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Let's be friends

The Latrobe Health Assembly exists to provide community members with the opportunity to help shape a healthier, happier Latrobe Valley.

To do this, we need your help.

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What are we looking at?

Our priority areas

The Latrobe Health Assembly has four key priority and focus areas which underpin all initiatives and activities. 

What are we working on?

Current key projects

Digital Literacy 2
Early Childhood Development

Statistics from the Australian Early Development Census Community Profile 2018: Latrobe Victoria show that a large number of children in Latrobe City are not equipped with adequate literacy and communication skills when they start primary school. The Latrobe Health Assembly is about to begin piloting a range of exciting new programs in this space.

Mental Health Cafe

Many people in our community struggle to access support after hours. Evenings and weekends can be a lonely and distressing time. A mental health cafÃĐ model has been co-designed to help address these issues. With the support of Larter Consulting, a model tailored to the Valley has been developed. This model is a product of people with lived experience and service providers working together to design the right service for our community.

Cardiac screening
Latrobe Valley Chronic Disease Action Plan

Local health services together with community representatives in Latrobe have worked together to develop the Latrobe Valley Chronic Disease Action Plan. The plan itself seeks to bring people together to take action on areas that will improve the experience of chronic disease in Latrobe over the next five years (2022-2027).

our beginnings

The Hazelwood Mine Fire

A fire burned in the Hazelwood coal mine for 45 days in February and March 2014. This fire had significant impacts on the Latrobe Valley community.

In 2014 and 2015 the Victorian Government held the Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry It’s recommendations included:

our strategy

How we work for Latrobe

Our people

Meet your Health Assembly

Our Foundation Agencies

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Featured news and insights

Do you have a concept that could improve the health and wellbeing of Latrobe?

We are always seeking innovative concepts from community. You don’t need to be an expert, just someone with a creative solution to a problem. If that’s you, click the link below and send us your concept.