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Focus Area: Early Childhood Development

We are committed to providing all children in Latrobe with a strong start to life.

This includes, but is not limited to, projects related to early childhood development, equity, education and overall wellbeing.


In 2021 and 2022, LHA engaged Ninety Mile Consulting to identify challenges and opportunities related to early childhood development, equity, education and overall wellbeing. Working closely with the Assembly, a  five-pillar model was developed which is helping to map the work being done in this space — ensuring it’s designed for Latrobe, by Latrobe.

In 2022, four township forums were held in Traralgon, Moe, Churchill and Morwell.

The aim of the forums was to explore the early childhood development barriers faced in each township, while identifying opportunities and possible initiatives that could be implemented to addressed the barriers raised.


The Five Pillars of Early Childhood Development

  • Support mothers and parents through physical and psychological
  • Preparing them for parenthood
Confident Parents
  • Build confident parents
    through community
    engagement and access to services/resources
  • Build strong emotional connections with babies/toddlers
Safe & Healthy Children
  • Ensure children are safe from violence and feel a sense of belonging in the
  • Promote healthy behaviours (e.g., nutrition, physical activity, engagement with learning)
Value of Education
  • Increase early years
    education participation
  • Build strong social and
    emotional identities
  • Promote curiosity, and
    increase engagement with learning wellbeing
Great Start to School
  • Define clear pathways to schooling
  • Provide resources to
    ensure health, safety, and confidence
  • Foster collaboration
    between early year
    education to ensure equity for children in Latrobe Valley
What we are working on

Early Childhood Development projects underway