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Category: Food Security

Cooking up a solution to food insecurity

The People’s Kitchen has received funding from Latrobe Health Assembly to expand to into 2025....

ABC spotlight on The People’s Kitchen

We’re very proud of the partnership we have with Morwell Neighbourhood House on this project...

Two local community groups join forces to address food insecurity

The Morwell Neighbourhood House’s (MNH) People’s Kitchen initiative has been doing incredible...

Exploring solutions to a lack of culturally appropriate food within the region

Latrobe Health Assembly in partnership with the Central West Gippsland Primary Care Partnership...

Latrobe Valley Community Cookbook Launch

The Latrobe Food Security Coalition, known as Food For All Latrobe Valley, will launch their...

Calling all ‘green thumbs’

The Latrobe Health Assembly is seeking community feedback and expressions of interest on a...