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Our Team

The faces behind the Latrobe Health Assembly

The Latrobe Health Assembly offers the community a chance to drive health and wellbeing priorities and consider new ways of working with local services and government, with a focus on innovative ideas and approaches.

The majority of members are from the community, with a diverse representation from various locations, professions, demographics and connections to communities and groups.

Meet your

Health Assembly Members


We bring leading service providers to the board table

The Latrobe Health Assembly Board comprises an independent Chair along with standing representatives from Department of Health and Human Services, Latrobe Community Health Service, Latrobe Regional Hospital, Latrobe City Council and Gippsland Primary Health Network. 

Four community members also sit on our Board to ensure the community has a voice at all levels of the organisation.

Meet the Latrobe Health Assembly

Board of Directors

Our Foundation Agencies

Our Staff

The Latrobe Health Assembly is staffed by thirteen employees

The Latrobe Health Assembly membership is voluntary, however the day to day operations of the organisation are managed by thirteen full-time employees who are dedicated to upholding the vision of the organisation.

Meet the Latrobe Health Assembly

Staff Group