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Ashley Lont

Programs & Innovation Officer
Joined Assembly:
(03) 5173 8400

Personal Experience

My name is Ashley Lont and I am a Programs & Innovation Officer with the Latrobe Health Assembly. I started off with the Latrobe Health Assembly as a placement student through the Industry Placement Program that Federation University organises. During my placement I was able to see the wide variety of work that takes place at the Latrobe Health Assembly and jumped at the opportunity to continue working with them after my placement had concluded.

I joined the Latrobe Health Assembly to become more familiar with the work that goes on in the background of each community initiative and am especially interested in initiatives that help improve health outcomes for community. I enjoy working with agencies and the incredible people they employ to come up with innovative ways to engage and improve wellbeing of everyone in the community.

In 5 years’ time, I hope to see all types of agencies in Latrobe Valley working together closely and the community recognising all the great initiatives taking place across the Valley. There are so many amazing local agencies with great ideas, and I can’t wait to see everything interlinked and recognised.

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