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Tell us about youth groups and educational programs in the Latrobe Valley

The Latrobe Health Assembly have identified multiple potential areas of youth work to focus on in 2025. These opportunities include:

  • Supporting existing youth-led groups based in the Latrobe Valley to develop and deliver a range of youth-led activities and events for their peers that utilise local public spaces and/or accessible online platforms.
  • Exploring existing youth-led training opportunities in the Latrobe Valley and, if relevant, explore ways to increase offerings, such as building networking skills or learning how to navigate the local healthcare system.

Existing youth groups in the Latrobe Valley may have ideas for events, education opportunities, supports and resources that they would like to see in community for youth to access. By identifying these groups, the Assembly can explore ways to support them to bring their creative ideas to life.
Any information will be extremely helpful and greatly appreciated, such as:

  • Name of the group/organisation
  • Contact details
  • Interest area/s
  • Location

Community members are encouraged to answer the following questions to help the Assembly identify a range of existing youth groups and educational programs in the Latrobe Valley.