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Olivia Warry

Project Coordinator Health Intervention
Joined Assembly:
(03) 5173 8400

Personal Experience

My name is Olivia Warry and I’m a Project Coordinator with the Latrobe Health Assembly. After completing a 6-month placement at the LHA during 2021 and a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Human Resources and Management at Federation University, I began working at the LHA in February 2022.

During my time at the LHA, I have had the privilege of working on a project mapping exercise to determine potential health service gaps and future project opportunities for the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone. It has been rewarding to contribute to such a valuable project as the completion of this exercise will greatly assist in improving the success of future health promotion programs to benefit the health and wellbeing of the Latrobe Valley.

In years to come, I hope to see greater recognition for the community health improvements achieved through the LHA’s ongoing work as it is important that the benefits arising from these initiatives become known to many people.

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