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Hope Alexander

Communications & Engagement Officer
Joined Assembly:
(03) 5173 8400

Personal Experience

My name is Hope and I am the Social Marketing Officer with the Latrobe Health Assembly. I have recently become part of the Latrobe Health Assembly and come from a background in copywriting, social media management and marketing across the publishing industry, entertainment and culinary education. I am excited to be working with people from such diverse professional backgrounds and am eager to bring my experience into the mix.

I joined the Latrobe Health Assembly to become more involved in community initiatives and am particularly looking forward to working on campaigns which embrace diversity and help provide equal and fair opportunities for everyone in the district. I’m eager to get out there and work with the incredible people, organisations and community groups that are the heart of the Valley.

In 5 years’ time, I hope to see the Latrobe Health Assembly continuing to bring the community together to get everyone moving, learning and supporting each other in creating a safe and happy environment for all. Latrobe Valley is full of extraordinary people and this is a fantastic initiative to have them recognised.

Contact Me

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    Please note: all emails are filtered via the Latrobe Health Assembly office