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Carey Griffiths

Media Productions Officer
Joined Assembly:
(03) 5173 8399

Personal Experience

My name is Carey and I am the Media Production Officer with the Latrobe Health Assembly and I have been working with the Assembly since 2019. My professional background is mostly in graphic design but I have also worked in TV and broadcasting production, print media and I am one of the few people who can claim to be both a qualified librarian and a licensed forklift driver.

One of the first projects that I worked on when I started at the Latrobe Health Assembly was the Hello. campaign. I’ve had a blast having a coffee and chatting with hundreds of people around the Latrobe Valley and being able to connect in such a positive way has been a real treat. It’s a campaign that people still get excited by and I feel very lucky to have been a part of it from it’s launch.

I hope to see the Latrobe Health Assembly continue to build off the great work that has already been done in the Latrobe Valley and to help the community have a voice in the things that impact them. There are many exciting things happening and I can’t wait to see them all unfold over the coming years.

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