Community Engagement: Hazelwood Long-Term Health Study

Project summary:
The Latrobe Health Assembly is now operating as a vehicle for facilitating community input into the Hazelwood Health Study.
The Hazelwood Health Study (HHS) is a multidisciplinary long-term study into the potential health effects of the 2014 Hazelwood coal mine fire in Latrobe Valley. The study is funded by the Victorian Department of Health and brings together an experienced team of researchers from the School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine and the School of Rural Health at Monash University, as well as a number of external partners including the University of Tasmania and Federation University.
The purpose of the Latrobe Health Assembly’s involvement is to ensure the study hears directly from and works in partnership with the Latrobe Valley community members, health and community service providers and local government in undertaking the research program and ultimately to improve health services and health outcomes for the local community.
Objectives of Latrobe Health Assembly’s involvement include:
- Discuss and advise on community perspectives on proposed new research/clinical/engagement activities, plans and projects as presented by the study’s research leads.
- Ensure the study is widely known to people in its catchment and the wider Gippsland region.
- Provide advice and feedback to the Project Steering Committee and Management Group on engagement and communication issues.
- Act as a conduit to local and state government, service providers and other key stakeholders regarding the translation of HHS findings into practice locally and more broadly.
- Assist in identifying new research and collaborative opportunities building on the HHS research program and targeting the future health and wellbeing of the
- Undertake any other activities that contribute to the realisation of the study objectives.