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Early Childhood Development
July 1, 2023

Barriers to Transport

  • Project details:
  • Project commencement: July 1, 2023

  • Funded by: The Latrobe Health Assembly

  • Project delivered by: Ninety Mile Consulting

Project summary:

Transport disadvantage is typically defined as a difficulty accessing transport as a result of cost, availability of services or poor physical

accessibility. However, recent research suggests that in Australia transport disadvantage does not only concern difficulty accessing transport but also, in a country that is highly dependent on cars, difficulties associated with maintaining private transport (e.g., financial stress related to the cost of petrol, car insurance, car purchase, maintenance and repairs).

Experience of transport disadvantage is more common for Australians on a low income. Latrobe is listed as a Very Low SES (Socioeconomic Status) in the Findings from the Victorian Population Health Survey 2014 Report. Access to transport has been identified as one of the four top barriers to children aged 0-8 accessing mental health services/supports in the Latrobe Valley, with 83.33% of service provider respondents naming this as a barrier.

Given Latrobe’s low socioeconomic demographic, as well as being largely composed of outer-urban and rural districts, it is vital that barriers to accessing transportation are identified and addressed for families needing access to ECD services.

LHA will be working with a selected consulting agency to conduct detailed research into the following areas:

  • Identify the most common barriers to accessing transport experienced by families trying to engage with ECD services in Latrobe
  • Ways to support ECD settings to address barriers to accessing transport for families attending their service.
  • Ways to support families to address barriers to accessing transport.
  • Identify and support the most at-need communities/areas to address barriers to accessing transport.
Barriers to Transport

Project insights