People present to a GP’s clinic for a number of different reasons, not all of which are clinical. Many individuals present to their GP’s…
Food security can be defined as “when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that…
The Morwell Neighbourhood House’s (MNH) People’s Kitchen initiative has been doing incredible work for the most vulnerable in our community by providing nutritious meals…
The Latrobe Health Assembly is now operating as a vehicle for facilitating community input into the Hazelwood Health Study. The Hazelwood Health Study (HHS)…
In 2021, the Latrobe Health Assembly partnered with Urban Scale Interventions (USI) to draw on their expertise in creative engagement and innovative cultural and…
The Ladder Surviving Adolescence (Morwell) program builds independence and self-agency in young people (age 16-25) and supports young people to engage in education, employment…