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Our plan

Where we fit in

How we align to current plans

The Latrobe Health Assembly works closely with key stakeholders within community development and population health. All Health Assembly projects align to one or more of the following planning documents.

Latrobe Health Assembly Strategic Plan 2020-25

This document reflects a shared vision and plan for the future. Accordingly, it’s creation has been a collaborative process involving direct consultation, workshopping and evidence-based research.

Latrobe Health and Wellbeing Charter

The Latrobe Health and Wellbeing Charter defines the values and guiding principles of the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone.

Hazelwood Mine fire inquiry – Victorian Government response and actions

The Government has committed to implementing, in full, all recommendations and affirmations of the 2014 and 2015/16 Inquiry Reports. It has committed over $80 million to do so and improve the lives of the Latrobe Valley community.

Living Well Latrobe Health and Wellbeing Plan

Living Well Latrobe is Latrobe City Council’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (MPHWP) 2021-2025, adopted on 7 March 2022.

Victorian public health and wellbeing plan 2023 – 2027

It is a requirement of Victoria’s Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 to produce a plan every four years. In this plan, the Victorian Government sets out a comprehensive approach to deliver improved public health and wellbeing outcomes for all Victorians.

Annual reports

How we measure up

As an incorporated association, the Latrobe Health Assembly provides a yearly annual report to its Board, membership and the general public about the activities of the previous financial year. All of the Latrobe Health Assembly’s annual reports can be found below. 

2023-24 Annual Report

2022-23 Annual Report

2021-22 Annual Report

2020-21 Annual Report

2019-20 Annual Report

2018-19 Annual Report

2017-18 Annual Report