Where we have come from and where we are heading
The Latrobe Health Assembly has grown and adapted over time to better suit the needs of our community.
Hazelwood Mine Fire

Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry

Commencement of the Hazelwood Health Study
The Hazelwood Health Study begins to research health outcomes from community members impacted by the Hazelwood Mine Fire.
Read MoreNovember, 2014Hazelwood Mine Fire Inquiry reopened
May, 2015Designation of the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone

Calls for community to join a soon to be formed Latrobe Health Assembly
Expressions of interest sought from community to join a soon-to-be established community driven organisation called the Latrobe Health Assembly.
November, 2016Incorporation of the Latrobe Health Assembly

Launch of the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone Charter

Appointment of the Latrobe Health Advocate

Community representation on Board of Directors
Four Latrobe Health Assembly members elected to the organisations Board of Directors providing community voice at all levels of the Assembly.
March, 2019Restructure of the Latrobe Health Assembly

Supporting the Victorian Governments COVID-19 response
The Latrobe Health Assembly provides community voice to place-based COVID-19 response.
March, 2020The Latrobe Valley landscape changes forever
Hazelwood Power Station's eight chimneys are demolished as part of the decommissioning works.
May, 2020A new way to codesign and innovate
The Latrobe Health Assembly adopts a new operating model (Triple Diamond model) which is designed to expand the scale of projects.
Read MoreMay, 2021Stepping up to the national stage

Launch of The WES