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‘Reach for the Stars’ is making it easier for customers to find healthy foods in the supermarket

Latrobe Community Health Service, Latrobe Health Assembly, participating Gippsland supermarkets and the community are working in partnership on the flagship Healthy Supermarkets project.  ‘Reach for the Stars’ is making it easier for customers to find healthy foods in the supermarket.   

‘Reach for the Stars’ promotes healthy eating to customers and the community.  

‘Reach for the Stars’ aims to create a shopping experience that helps customers to buy, cook and eat healthy foods, every day.   

It uses a range of in-store innovations based on the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the Health Star Rating system.     

  • All fresh fruit and vegetables are 5 stars!
  • Health Star Rating shelf tags on products 4 stars and above
  • Healthy recipes and more!   
Participating supermarkets  
Why promote healthy eating in Gippsland?  

Healthy eating is important day-to-day, for mood and energy levels, and long-term in decreasing the risk of chronic disease.  We all need more fresh and healthy foods to be at our best every day.

Why work with supermarkets?   

Australians buy most of their food from the supermarkets.  .  It’s where we make the decisions  about the foods we buy, and therefore what we eat.

What’s in it for participating supermarkets?   
  • Promoting fresh food sales 
  • Promoting healthy eating and healthy lifestyles 
  • Supporting customers and community  
  • Responding to customer demand for healthier products 
  • A point of difference to competitor supermarkets 
  • Promotion of the business’s involvement in the project.   
What did customers say?   

In 2022, we trialled Reach for the Stars in three Latrobe IGA supermarkets.  

  • Nine in 10 customers want supermarkets to promote healthy eating
  • 64% of customers noticed the healthy eating signs
  • One in three customers felt the signs influenced their purchases

This resulted inâ€Ķ. 

  • 12% increase of the purchase of 4 Â― and 5 health star rated products  
What did participating supermarkets say?

“The whole objective of the campaign was toâ€Ķencourage people to eat healthier.  But, it was also a win-win,â€Ķif we’re selling more of the 4 1/2, 5 star [Health Star Rating] type projects within our stores there’s potential of higher profit” IGA Executive.

Want to get involved?   

Help us create a healthier Latrobe!  

If your Latrobe supermarket wants to get involved, please contact the ‘Reach for the Stars’ project team on:

Health Promotion:
Ph:  1800 242 696

*Reach for the Stars is a Latrobe Health Innovation Zone initiative with funding provided by Latrobe Health Assembly and the Victorian Government.