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Becoming a parent can significantly change your life as well as relationships with those around you. It is important to connect with loved ones and make time to talk about how you are feeling.
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Spending quality time together might involve simple things like sitting together while your partner breastfeeds, or giving your partner’s feet or neck a rub.

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families

“â€Ķhe genuinely cares and makes sure I’m doing ok and have everything I need when ever I’m exhausted from being pregnant and need a rest.”


“He makes space every single day, just for me to talk about all the things of the day.. regardless of how trivial they are or how long his day at work has been. This makes me feel like the work I do at home with our kids is valued and just as important as his work earning for our family”


“â€Ķsay something and do something nice to each other at least once a day and tell each other you love them in the morning and before you go to sleep”


Advice from the experts

Spending quality time together might involve simple things like sitting together while your partner breastfeeds, or giving your partner’s feet or neck a rub.

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Becoming parents may mean less time for each other. Make time to sit down and talk about how you feel with your partner and acknowledge any feelings of loss or sadness around these changes. It is also easy for parents to forget or run out of time to look after themselves.â€ŊBy taking time to look after yourself, you will have more energy to build a strong family. Look after yourself by resting, eating a healthy diet, being physically active and doing things you enjoy.

Better Health Channel

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families
“Take time for yourselves, you were a couple before you ever had kids. Simple things like watch a movie together once kids have gone to bed, text each other during the day..”
“Spend time together one on one. Turn the TV off and play games, reconnect”
“My partner supports my need to have some form of ‘me time’ by taking the kids and giving me the freedom to do something for myself for a time.”
Advice from the experts

Becoming parents may mean less time for each other. Make time to sit down and talk about how you feel with your partner and acknowledge any feelings of loss or sadness around these changes.

It is also easy for parents to forget or run out of time to look after themselves.â€ŊBy taking time to look after yourself, you will have more energy to build a strong family. Look after yourself by resting, eating a healthy diet, being physically active and doing things you enjoy.

Better Health Channel

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All parents can benefit from a little extra support. Trusting each other’s parenting choices, being consistent and offering positive feedback helps maintain a strong team and models respectful behaviours to your child.

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families
“Working together. Even just having your other half telling you you’re doing a good job when you’ve had hardly any sleep. Working together 100%”
“Supports me whether it be mentally, physically or financially and for whatever reasons, no questions asked. The loyalty and support I appreciate so much.”
“There is actually a lot of support and help out there for Latrobe Valley mums, keep your appointments up to date with the maternal health nurse and don’t be afraid to give what’s on offer a go.”
Advice from the experts
All parents can benefit from a little extra support. Trusting each other’s parenting choices, being consistent and offering positive feedback helps maintain a strong team and models respectful behaviours to your child.

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