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Latrobe Valley parents have told us communication is key to making a family a good team. Families should communicate in a way that helps to connect and strengthen their relationship.

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It is important to discuss with your partner how you would like to parent your child.  You should listen to each other’s thoughts with the aim of coming to an agreement.  Different upbringings can influence how you parent so it’s important to have these discussions early to avoid conflict.

Relationships NSW

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families

“Before you’re pregnant, talk and express emotions and feeling. Show those sides of you that you hide. When pregnant, do classes together, both participate and experience the process.”  


“Sit down and make a plan of what you both expect from each other, include how you will parent the child so you are both on the same page” 


“Communication/ trustâ€Ķ. talk about your “expectations as a team” then come to a compromise.. allow each other to navigate through and be supportive and mindful of each others needs.. it’s not always going to be easy..”


Advice from the experts

It is important to discuss with your partner how you would like to parent your child.  You should listen to each other’s thoughts with the aim of coming to an agreement.  Different upbringings can influence how you parent so it’s important to have these discussions early to avoid conflict.

Relationships NSW

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Open communication along your parenting journey is important so that you understand each other’s needs and perspectives and avoid misunderstandings. Show appreciation, respect, and support for one another, and ensure you discuss your expectations about the level of involvement or help that you will receive from your partner.

Centre of Perinatal Excellence

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families
“Talk more, hug more, sometimes it’s ok to cry out in front of each other, being parents is a new experience for both.”  
“Communication. Talk things out. Make plans together. Do the chores together.”  
“We have a weekly discussion to reflect on how things are going, what’s working, what’s not. I appreciate he makes time for this and engages in it.”  
Advice from the experts

â€ŊOpen communication along your parenting journey is important so that you understand each other’s needs and perspectives and avoid misunderstandings. Show appreciation, respect, and support for one another, and ensure you discuss your expectations about the level of involvement or help that you will receive from your partner.

Centre of Perinatal Excellence

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There are 3 kinds of support that can really benefit parents – practical support, emotional or personal support, and information or advice.

Getting support for parenting and raising children is important for looking after yourself.

All parents can benefit from both informal and formal support from others. Seeking and accepting support is good for both children and parents.

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Advice from Latrobe Valley families

“â€Ķask for help from friends, family and community
services, and accept when it’s offered. You don’t have to do it alone.”


“Remember it takes a village to raise a child. Never think you have to do things alone”


“I couldn’t do it without either a partner or grandparents (or the equivalent). As a parent you cannot do it all.”


Advice from the experts

There are 3 kinds of support that can really benefit parents – practical support, emotional or personal support, and information or advice.

Getting support for parenting and raising children is important for looking after yourself.

All parents can benefit from both informal and formal support from others. Seeking and accepting support is good for both children and parents.

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