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Bringing hope and positivity virtually in 2020

A webinar series hosted by the Latrobe Health Assembly and the HopeFull Institute.

The Latrobe Health Assembly is currently hosting three virtual seminar series from the highly acclaimed HopeFull Institute.

The first is titled Positive Parenting and is aimed at parents/carers, the second, Hope Express is pitched to year 9-12 students, and the third, Gifted for Greatness, is suitable for primary school students.

These three seminar follow on from the successful Latrobe Health Assembly’s 2019 series and are provided free of charge to the Latrobe Valley community in easily accessible online webinars, streamed to your home.

Presented by Glen Gerreyn, Positive Parenting explores five fundamental positive parenting tools. As a parent or carer it is hoped you that at the end of the hour you will be equipped with some additional skills and insights to both improve your connection with your children and to empower them to tackle a complex world.

Hope Express is aimed at students from years 9-12 and provides the knowledge and understanding that form the foundation on which students can build a hope filled future. It develops an understanding of the effects that external influences and personal cognition have on the individual, by encouraging critical thinking.

Gifted for Greatness communicates principles of potential and self-belief to a primary school aged audience in a way every child can grasp. By outlining the innate power of the individual, this seminar inspires participants to develop goals and dreams to propel them towards fulfilling their passions.

Registrations are essential to gain access to the seminar series. The seminar will be accessible until September 17, 2020.

To register for access to the free HopeFull Institute programs for 2020 please email Access to the seminar series will be provided following your registration.

An initiative of the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone.