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Looking Forward Latrobe

Throughout May-June 2021, the Latrobe Health Assembly partnered with Urban Scale Interventions to draw on their expertise in creative engagement and innovative cultural and health interventions. The aim of this project was to explore the context, challenges and opportunities around community safety and wellbeing in Latrobe Valley, with a particular focus on public spaces and design.

A six-week process was undertaken to inform a full report; this included:

  • Engaging 170+ members of our community via a series of workshops, interviews and surveys
  • Reviewing 40+ policy documents from across relevant departments, from health and education to tourism
  • The development of 4 wellbeing principles for informing projects in Latrobe Valley, based on key policy and community feedback
  • Highlighting 3 key opportunity areas
  • Outlining 6 project concept opportunities

For the full report, head to:

Creative Latrobe


Latrobe Health Assembly has now partnered with Latrobe City Council on the first intervention, Creative Latrobe. Find more information about it here.

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