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Latrobe Streetgames

GippSport, in collaboration with the Latrobe Health Assembly and a range of community stakeholders designed and implemented a schedule of activities and marketing strategies with the aim of increasing the physical activity levels and social connectedness of young people in Latrobe City.

Latrobe Streetgames utilised doorstep sport methodology which seeks to remove as many barriers as possible to young people participating in sport and active recreation. The Latrobe Streetgames program was successful when delivered at the right time, in the right place, in the right style and at the right price.

The intent was to complement other sport & recreation programs currently on offer across the Latrobe Valley catchment with a focus on youth not currently involved in any form of sport or active recreation.

Highlighting the successes of Latrobe Valley Streetgames, on 3 December 2019, the program was announced the winner of the VICHealth Awards Improving the Health and Wellbeing of Young Victorians awards.

Highlights of the program to date include:

  • Delivered over 630 programs/events across the Latrobe City municipality with attendance over 13,651+
  • Provided 17 young people direct employment opportunities with the program through GippSport
  • Implemented a peer led delivery model of young people supporting young people to participate
  • Built local capacity to deliver Victorian Skate Park League series events by providing 5 young people employment & training to achieve SPL event management & Victorian Skateboarding Association accreditation
  • Established & currently delivering ‘Skate Club’ across Latrobe City
  • In partnership with YMCA Action Sports, delivered 5 Victorian Skate Park League events and 18 skate club programs
  • Established a strong online & marketing presence with the target cohort (over 1000 followers on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok)

GippSport’s Latrobe Streetgames programs frequently had a large, engaged group of regulars participating and continually welcomes new people to attend. Alongside its regular schedule of community activities, it sought to partner with like-minded groups to deliver niche programming opportunities to young people. Examples of these opportunities included: Street Soccer with CMY, Table Tennis with Latrobe Youth Space, and All Access Days with Latrobe Leisure & Latrobe City Council.

The global COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the Latrobe Streetgames delivery method. The project quickly pivoted to the virtual space offering frequent online activities, posting creative challenges and developing an online community of Latrobe Streetgames participants, providing 85 members with a safe space to interact with each other and share activity outcomes.

Streetgames is now delivered by GippSport as ‘GippSport Streetgames’ with the aim of providing affordable, accessible sport and recreation activities to teens and young adults across Gippsland. You can learn more about it here. 

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