There is increasing evidence that available workforce in the Latrobe Valley is limited across a range of sectors, including health and wellbeing.
In April 2019 the board of the Latrobe Health Assembly approved funding for the development and delivery of up to four internships/traineeships with a health focus.
Following significant engagement with local service delivery agencies, the Latrobe Health Assembly in partnership with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia -Victorian Branch have embarked on a pilot Traineeship Program to assist with employment and career pathways for the Latrobe Valley community.Â
The qualification currently being undertaken by five participants is SIR30116 Certificate III in Community Pharmacy. This pilot is conducted with the assistance of local organisations including Latrobe Local Learning Employment Network (LLEN), Latrobe Valley Authority and Latrobe Community Health Services.
The delivery of this project has been severely affected by the global COVID-19 pandemic due to education provider closures. Plans are being developed for a COVIDsafe return to training.
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