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Clowning around to share hope and optimism

In a year that has seemed more like a circus, local kid’s entertainers Koko the Clown and Fairy Willow have come out of retirement for one show onlyâ€Ķ To share hope, encouragement and of course laughter with the school children (and the children at heart) of Latrobe Valley.

It’s been a tough year for school children, parents/guardians of school children and our school teachers so Koko has dusted off his oversized shoes, Fairy Willow has stretched out her wings and Ringmaster Tanya has brushed her top hat for a very special recorded performance that will be shared in our local schools with the aim of applauding our region’s students.

“We thought it would be a great idea to get the group together and do something to congratulate the kids” Koko the Clown said.

The video is a lively performance of Koko the Clown, Fairy Willow and Ringmaster Tanya highlighting the year that was, some of their own learnings during the pandemic about social connections and a heartfelt message of encouragement and congratulations to school children.

Latrobe Health Assembly Chair, Ms Tanya Rong (Ringmaster Tanya) said “we jumped at the opportunity to be involved in this fantastic show of appreciation for children who have had a particularly difficult year in 2020.”

“2020 has shown us how important a socially connected community is in times of stress and uncertainty and laughter is at times the best medicine” said Ms Rong.

The video has been distributed to all Latrobe Valley primary and secondary schools to present to their students and is also available on the Latrobe Health Assembly Facebook page and website at

Watch the video message
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